Sunday, November 27, 2011

Putting Up The Christmas Tree!


Now that Thanksgiving is over and done with we can finally move on to Christmas! It's crazy how fast this year has gone by, it's already time to put up the Christmas Tree, and we did just that. Mommy and Daddy thought about getting a real tree this year, but eventually decided against it. Daddy is sure nothing beats the look and smell of a real tree, but for now we will settle on the nice tree we purchased at Target that came pre-lit, which makes things a lot easier. Daddy went down to the basement and brought up all of our Christmas decorations, along with the tree and we went right to work!

Jonathan you were too occupied with the toys around the living room because you're still too young to really understand, and Benjamin you assisted with Daddy for a little while. This was a new tree so Daddy had to read the instructions as to how to put it together. Benjamin you wanted to read them too because you're always interested in what every one is doing, but it wasn't too long before you returned to your toys. 

So Daddy put together the tree and Mommy separated the branches so we could get it ready to put all the ornaments on. At one point Benjamin you helped Mommy with the branches, because you're Mommy's big helper! Then you returned to your toys because this wasn't as entertaining as you thought it would be.

While we were putting the tree together we listened to Michael Bublé's Christmas CD. Daddy has been listening to this CD since the end of October, but now it's finally the appropriate time to listen to Christmas music, so what better way to put up a Christmas Tree then to listen to Michael Bublé? It was finally time to put the tree into the corner of the living room so we could start putting the ornaments on to it.

Benjamin we let you try to put some ornaments on to the tree this year, so you would take the ornament and go over to the tree placing it where you wanted it. You weren't aware of the string for the ornaments having to go on the branches so Daddy would show you how to do this and we would put that ornament wherever you wanted to put it together. Jonathan you're still too young to understand this, but don't worry because Christmas comes around each year and when it comes around again you will have a better understanding and will be able to join in with us.

We bought some new ornaments this year that we were excited to put on the tree. We got two new Mickey Mouse ones, a new Jack Sparrow one, and Gizmo in a Santa Claus Hat. The last two were more for Daddy then anything else. Daddy has two other Jack Sparrow Christmas Ornaments from previous years, but for some reason one of the ornaments didn't make it through the past year in storage in one piece and came out with a broken hand. Very sad news!

While we were putting the ornaments on the tree Jonathan you were getting tired because it was time for your nap. Mommy took you to your crib so you could have a bottle and take your nap while we finished putting up the tree. Benjamin, when it came time to put the star on top of the tree Daddy picked you up and we put the star on top together.

After the tree was up and the lights were turned on Mommy made us some lunch. We then watched "Prep And Landing" to get even more in the Christmas Spirit. Daddy might like the movie more than you guys do! It wasn't long before Jonathan was awake and the two of you switched places.

Benjamin, you went down for your nap, and Jonathan you got to watch "Prep and Landing". The tree has only been up a day now, but already the two of you are giving us a run for our money by trying to take down ornaments and grab branches. It's the most wonderful time of the year and it's just getting started. Daddy can't wait for the memories we are going to make in the coming weeks.

Love Always,

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