Saturday, December 31, 2011

Family Trip To Disney On Ice!


Today we took a family trip to see Disney On Ice! It was Mickey and Minnie's Magical Adventure. Daddy had told Mommy earlier in the week that during this weekend we should take the two of you out somewhere and Mommy came up with a great idea to go see this show. We all loaded into the car and headed out to see the show, but along the way Daddy had typed the wrong address into his GPS and we ended up somewhere else in the city, but after talking to Uncle Brian, and finding the correct address we were back on track to get to the venue. Uncle Brian, Auntie Amanda, and Cole had all seen the show today as well at an earlier time, and they said we were going to love it!

We got to the show with time to spare and headed on inside. As soon as we got through the doors there was a large table filled with many different items that were being sold related to the show. They had Lion King, Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Mickey Mouse, and Lilo and Stitch stuffed animals, they had mugs and cups of all the shows too, but it wasn't any of these items that grabbed your attention Benjamin. They also were selling a toy that when you pressed the button and held the button in the toy would spin very fast with many different lights on it. The man working at this table knew what he was doing when he handed it to Daddy and asked if we wanted to try it out. Of course once we tried it out you would never want to hand it back Benjamin, and if you did you would scream and cry because at that moment in time that was the coolest toy you ever laid your eyes on, and the very thought of parting ways with it was devastating. So, they got Daddy hook, line, and sinker and you ended up with a new spinning flashing lights toy with Mickey Mouse on top, and Daddy ended up with a lighter wallet.

Before we got in the car this morning Mommy had told Daddy that they sold flavored ice at the show, but for fifteen dollars! Daddy made a joke and said that no one was getting flavored ice today, but as soon as we gave our tickets to the people working at the front and headed further inside the building we saw another table selling all the same things the previous table had, but this table had the flavored ice. One of the mugs that the ice came in was in the form of Stitch's head from Lilo and Stitch, but it was only ten dollars! For some reason Daddy couldn't say no to this and he bought one for us to enjoy, but at the same time they had Cotton Candy that came with a Flounder hat from Little Mermaid, and since Mommy loves Cotton Candy we got that as well. The show hadn't even started yet and already this was one expensive trip!

We finally made it to our seats right before the show was about to begin. The lights went out and out from behind a curtain came Mickey Mouse! Mickey was joined by Minnie, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, and Goofy. Pluto had to stay home because he did not go on this Magical Adventure with the rest of the group. Mommy was very sad that Pluto couldn't make it this time around. Benjamin, the second Mickey came skating through that curtain your eyes light up and you started yelling out "Mickey, Mickey!". Daddy was so happy to see how excited you were that it almost brought tears of joy to his eyes. Jonathan, you sat down on Daddy's lap for the a little while before being transferred over to Mommy.

Mickey and Minnie were taking trips to each one of the Disney Classics that we were about to see, and their first stop? Pride Rock! We saw the Lion King take place first and this is where the excitement levels went through the roof, because the two of you love this movie very much! Benjamin you were happy to see "Kitty King" on Ice! Rafiki the Monkey came out on stage first and skated for a little while before being joined by young Simba and young Nala. They sang "I Just Can't Wait To Be King", before Timon and Pumbaa came skating out for "Hakuna Matata". During this performance young Simba became an adult! It was such an awesome part of the show to see The Lion King performed, be it briefly, but we all enjoyed it!

After The Lion King was over Mickey and Minnie and their friends came back out and their next stop was going to be under the sea in the Ocean! It was time for us to see the Little Mermaid! Yesterday Mommy had put on the Little Mermaid so the two of you could watch it before we came here so you would at least have an idea what this was all about. Mommy said that while the two of you were in the living room watching the movie she tried to do some dishes, but she had to stop doing the dishes because one of you was up to no good! She came into the living room and caught you Benjamin dancing on top of the coffee table to "Under the Sea"! We reminded you Benjamin of this moment today when they sang "Under the Sea" live in person! They sang all the great songs from this movie and then a giant Ursula came out from behind the curtain before Prince Eric beat her! Seeing the large Ursula and all the smoke in the building was cool!

We went back to one of those expensive tables and got some lemonade. Mommy had asked for some nachos, so we headed back inside the arena and gave Mommy the lemonade before heading back out. We waited in a very long line for the food and while we were waiting in line Benjamin you kept saying "Ice! Ice! Ice!", and because Daddy was holding you of course you kept saying "I'm Stuck!, I'm Stuck!", the people waiting in line with us thought you were very funny. They were treated to your comedy show during intermission. We finally made it to the counter and there were no nachos so we bought some french fries! When we made it back inside the show was about to pick up again.

Mickey and Minnie were now landing in London which could only mean one thing. The last stop of their adventure was going to be with Peter Pan! Mommy had also put this movie on for the two of you to watch, but this didn't catch your attention or interest. It was during this last portion of the show where the two of you didn't want to sit around and watch anymore, especially because they weren't showing Mickey Mouse, or Lion King anymore. Benjamin, you kept throwing your toys onto the floor, and Jonathan you not only lost a shoe, but one of your socks as well! There was a little girl sitting behind us that was standing most of the time and when she was standing Benjamin you kept turning around trying to touch her! Peter Pan was good though, we saw them all fly in the air with the help of Tinker Bell and her fairy dust! It seemed very dangerous! There was a part during this performance where Tinker Bell got very sick and we all had to clap our hands together to bring her back to life, which you did Benjamin!

After Peter Pan was over all of the characters we just saw came back out again and joined Mickey and Minnie on the ice one last time. We got to see the Lion King one more time before the show was over! It was such a great experience, and for the majority of the time the two of you were extremely well behaved. We started to head out and back to the car. It was the last day of 2011 and we spent it with Mickey and Minnie Mouse on their Magical Adventure. Daddy spent alot of money on these extra items we just had to have, but it all endedu p pretty good because later on in the night Mommy told Daddy to get a scratch ticket because she was feeling lucky and Daddy made all of his money back and then some!

Can't Wait To See What 2012 Brings Us,

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas With Family


After we opened up our gifts from Santa the two of you had to get ready to go over Grandma's house for some Christmas Lunch. We headed over the river, and through the woods to Grandma's hous---well, we actually went right across the street to Grandma's house. Grandma is silly, she made three ham's for Christmas so she could eat ham all week long!

Auntie Sara, Uncle Scott, Uncle Steve, and Auntie Sam joined us for lunch too! Auntie Sam was going to make some dessert, but she ran out of egg's the night before and we were left dessert-less! After lunch we gathered in the living room to take a family photo and we took some time to look at the big fish tank! We headed on back home for a little while so that Jonathan you could have a bottle of milk and get in some quick nap time before we had to head back out the door to go to Nana and Grandpa's!

We arrived to Nana and Grandpa's house first, and then Auntie Cyndi, cousin Kali, Uncle Chris, and Auntie Amber came with your baby cousin Jordyn. Grandpa had made some ham too so we had a little more ham for supper! We exchanged gifts with everyone at Nana and Grandpa's house and although Grandpa had wished he got the two of you more presents it was just nice being able to spend the Holidays together. The two of you have everything you need and then some, so it wasn't about the gifts you received! Besides, Grandpa and Nana got the two of you some more cars and trucks so there's never anything wrong with that. Especially since you asked for just cars for Christmas, Benjamin.

Jonathan you started yelling at Jordyn to try and play with him, but you ended up scaring him! Don't worry though because he's getting bigger and bigger each day just like you did and sooner than later the three of you will be running around giving us all a run for our money. It's good that the three of you will be close in age because you'll all grow up together, and then Jordyn will start screaming back instead of crying!

The two of you opened more gifts at Nana's house with Auntie Cyndi bringing the two of you more presents. We had watched Kung-Fu Panda 2 a few nights ago, but the two of you didn't really watch it that much so Auntie Cyndi picked it up for the two of you! Now we will get to watch it whenever we want! Uncle Joe isn't around this year to spend Christmas with us, but cousin Kali had brought some gifts that her Mommy picked up you guys. When the two of you get older you will have your own table and chairs to sit at when you eat, and the great thing about it is the design is Toy Story! We stayed over Nana's home for a little while longer before heading out the door once more and going over to Great Grandma's house to visit with Grandpa Kevin!

When we got to Great Grandma's house and walked inside her living room was full of presents! As if Santa Claus stopped at her living room before heading back to the North Pole and emptied out the rest of his bags in there! Grandpa Kevin had bought alot of gifts for not only the two of you, but everyone else! Jonathan, at Thanksgiving you were obsessed with a centerpiece that was on the coffee table of a bunch of candles, so naturally when we arrived this was the first thing you wanted to get your hands on! Benjamin, you received a present nice and early when Grandpa gave you an M&M's candy dispenser that when you hit the button it empties out M&M's into a tray. You went crazy for this thing and whenever the M&M's wouldn't come out you would say that they were stuck! "It's stuck!" and we would have to show you that it wasn't stuck you just weren't hitting the button hard enough you silly boy!

Uncle Scott, Uncle Steve, and Auntie Sam came a little later , and then your other Uncle Steven and Dawn came, and then for the fourth time in twenty four hours the two of you were tearing apart wrapping paper again! There isn't a shortage of toys now. Mommy and Daddy are going to have to separate your toys into different bins and change the bins every other week so you never get tired of your toys and always think you have new toys even when they've been recycled a few times already. When you both get older and read these letters let Daddy remind you that one section of our small living room became a toy department. Toys, toys, toys, and more toys! Daddy wouldn't call the two of you spoiled, because at this moment in time the two of you have always been good boys and deserve whatever it is that Mommy and Daddy give you, and whatever anyone else does.

We stayed at Great Grandma's house for a couple of hours, took a third family picture, before loading all of our new things into not only Mommy and Daddy's car, but Uncle Steve's as well. When we came home we tried to take a family photo of just us and Benjamin you really hate the camera so this is never an easy task! Soon the two of you were back in your cribs fast asleep while Mommy and Daddy sorted through all the madness making sure that everything had it's place.

Buble's Christmas album will be one of those things! But for now Daddy wants to thank the two of you for making this Christmas one of the best ones he's ever had.

Christmas for Daddy growing up was great, but Daddy never really understood just how awesome Christmas could be looking through the eyes of a parent. Daddy loves the two of you very much and just having you both around is a Christmas present itself.

Love Always,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Boys!


Santa came! Benjamin did you ever think Daddy would mislead you?! Just as Mommy and Daddy have been telling you all week Santa did visit us last night while you and your brother slept peacefully in your cribs! As long as you're good all year long Santa Claus will come to town, do you think all those songs about him could be wrong? So, this morning started like most mornings do... Jonathan you were sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed and like most days you woke Mommy up by tapping her in the nose. From the the bedroom Benjamin you were awake talking in your crib as well trying to get Mommy and Daddy up.

This is probably one of the only years you will both wake up this calm on Christmas morning as Daddy remembers when he was a kid rushing to Nana and Grandpa's room begging them to get up so that Daddy and Uncle Chris could open their presents from Santa. While Daddy misses that feeling of waking up on Christmas morning with pure excitement, he knows that he will now get to live those moments on the opposite side of things and see the two of you run to the Christmas Tree, and jump up and down at the sight of your presents.

The two of you both went to the Christmas Tree and looked at all the presents for a few moments before Mommy and Daddy sat you both down and started handing you each your gifts from Santa, and some of them were from Mommy and Daddy too! Can't let Saint Nick take all the credit! Benjamin you opened up some Cars first, exactly what you asked Santa for this year even though you have dozens already. You were really excited each time you opened a present and saw a Car underneath the wrappings. Jonathan you had some Cars of your own under the tree too! Some Cars from Disney/Pixar, and some Cars from Hot Wheels, and even a big Fire Truck that makes noises and drives on it's own! It was a Cars Christmas! Maybe next year inside of Ornaments hanging on the tree we can attach strings to each one of these Cars and hang them instead? Daddy bets the two of you would love that!

So as you both opened each one of your gifts, getting more and more excited with each one you opened the floor started to be come a big mess of Christmas wrapping paper! Benjamin you were our little helper as you wanted to pick up all the wrapping paper and throw it away as quick as possible. Mommy and Daddy found it funny that you opened each present with such care and did not just rip the paper off like a mad person! You didn't want any tape or paper left on your presents either, making sure to take your time to take off every single piece of paper that might have survived the first time around. Jonathan, you on the other hand would open one gift, decide that whatever that one gift was, was good enough for you! Mommy had to help you open your presents, but that should be different this time next year! The two of you will be going through these presents alot faster Daddy's sure.

The two of you took a liking to one toy that Jonathan had received. It's a toy that has about five hidden characters and you have to turn and push buttons so that they pop up. The two of you fought over this toy for a good hour before realizing that you each had a few other toys to play with! After you each opened your last gift Mommy had started to make us some Christmas Breakfast! Mommy made us some Chocolate Chip Pancakes while we listened to Michael Buble's Christmas album for the last time this year! Daddy knows that Mommy doesn't really care for him all that much, but until the two of you tell Daddy otherwise Daddy is just going to pretend that the two of you enjoy his voice just as much as Daddy does!

After Breakfast we watched some television for a little while, and played with some of the new Cars and even Lion King toys you got from Santa. We had to get ready soon to go across the street to Grandma's house for some Christmas lunch. We had a big day ahead of us with many family members to see before the day was through so we started at Grandma's first! But Daddy will tell the two of you how the rest of our day went later on.

We had a great Christmas morning, but it breaks Daddy's heart to know that out there are families that are not as blessed as we are and this is why Daddy doesn't take anything for granted. The greatest Christmas gift of all is that we have each other, the rest is just extra!

Can't Wait To See Your Faces Again Next Christmas Morning,