Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas With Family


After we opened up our gifts from Santa the two of you had to get ready to go over Grandma's house for some Christmas Lunch. We headed over the river, and through the woods to Grandma's hous---well, we actually went right across the street to Grandma's house. Grandma is silly, she made three ham's for Christmas so she could eat ham all week long!

Auntie Sara, Uncle Scott, Uncle Steve, and Auntie Sam joined us for lunch too! Auntie Sam was going to make some dessert, but she ran out of egg's the night before and we were left dessert-less! After lunch we gathered in the living room to take a family photo and we took some time to look at the big fish tank! We headed on back home for a little while so that Jonathan you could have a bottle of milk and get in some quick nap time before we had to head back out the door to go to Nana and Grandpa's!

We arrived to Nana and Grandpa's house first, and then Auntie Cyndi, cousin Kali, Uncle Chris, and Auntie Amber came with your baby cousin Jordyn. Grandpa had made some ham too so we had a little more ham for supper! We exchanged gifts with everyone at Nana and Grandpa's house and although Grandpa had wished he got the two of you more presents it was just nice being able to spend the Holidays together. The two of you have everything you need and then some, so it wasn't about the gifts you received! Besides, Grandpa and Nana got the two of you some more cars and trucks so there's never anything wrong with that. Especially since you asked for just cars for Christmas, Benjamin.

Jonathan you started yelling at Jordyn to try and play with him, but you ended up scaring him! Don't worry though because he's getting bigger and bigger each day just like you did and sooner than later the three of you will be running around giving us all a run for our money. It's good that the three of you will be close in age because you'll all grow up together, and then Jordyn will start screaming back instead of crying!

The two of you opened more gifts at Nana's house with Auntie Cyndi bringing the two of you more presents. We had watched Kung-Fu Panda 2 a few nights ago, but the two of you didn't really watch it that much so Auntie Cyndi picked it up for the two of you! Now we will get to watch it whenever we want! Uncle Joe isn't around this year to spend Christmas with us, but cousin Kali had brought some gifts that her Mommy picked up you guys. When the two of you get older you will have your own table and chairs to sit at when you eat, and the great thing about it is the design is Toy Story! We stayed over Nana's home for a little while longer before heading out the door once more and going over to Great Grandma's house to visit with Grandpa Kevin!

When we got to Great Grandma's house and walked inside her living room was full of presents! As if Santa Claus stopped at her living room before heading back to the North Pole and emptied out the rest of his bags in there! Grandpa Kevin had bought alot of gifts for not only the two of you, but everyone else! Jonathan, at Thanksgiving you were obsessed with a centerpiece that was on the coffee table of a bunch of candles, so naturally when we arrived this was the first thing you wanted to get your hands on! Benjamin, you received a present nice and early when Grandpa gave you an M&M's candy dispenser that when you hit the button it empties out M&M's into a tray. You went crazy for this thing and whenever the M&M's wouldn't come out you would say that they were stuck! "It's stuck!" and we would have to show you that it wasn't stuck you just weren't hitting the button hard enough you silly boy!

Uncle Scott, Uncle Steve, and Auntie Sam came a little later , and then your other Uncle Steven and Dawn came, and then for the fourth time in twenty four hours the two of you were tearing apart wrapping paper again! There isn't a shortage of toys now. Mommy and Daddy are going to have to separate your toys into different bins and change the bins every other week so you never get tired of your toys and always think you have new toys even when they've been recycled a few times already. When you both get older and read these letters let Daddy remind you that one section of our small living room became a toy department. Toys, toys, toys, and more toys! Daddy wouldn't call the two of you spoiled, because at this moment in time the two of you have always been good boys and deserve whatever it is that Mommy and Daddy give you, and whatever anyone else does.

We stayed at Great Grandma's house for a couple of hours, took a third family picture, before loading all of our new things into not only Mommy and Daddy's car, but Uncle Steve's as well. When we came home we tried to take a family photo of just us and Benjamin you really hate the camera so this is never an easy task! Soon the two of you were back in your cribs fast asleep while Mommy and Daddy sorted through all the madness making sure that everything had it's place.

Buble's Christmas album will be one of those things! But for now Daddy wants to thank the two of you for making this Christmas one of the best ones he's ever had.

Christmas for Daddy growing up was great, but Daddy never really understood just how awesome Christmas could be looking through the eyes of a parent. Daddy loves the two of you very much and just having you both around is a Christmas present itself.

Love Always,

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