Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Dear Lightning McQueen Pit Crew Member, and Raphael,

Tonight we went out for some "Trick Or Treating" and boy did we have some fun. We took the two of you out last year, but Jonathan you were only a few weeks old so you didn't get to go door to door too much. Benjamin you didn't know how to walk at the time so you had to be carried to each door... now here we are one year later and Benjamin you were doing your own door to door for the most part and now Jonathan was the one being carried.

Before we went out to do some "Trick Or Treating" around our neighborhood we all packed into the car and went over to Nana and Grandpa's house to get some candy from them. We surprised Nana and Grandpa as they weren't expecting to see us today. Nana was happy because not only were we there, but cousin Kali and cousin Jordyn were there as well and she had all of her wonderful grandchildren visiting her at the same time. Nana said it was one of the best Halloween's she's ever had because we all decided to pay her a visit tonight. We couldn't stay too long though because it was getting dark out and we had to make our way home so we could walk around our neighborhood getting some free candy. Before we went home we stopped at Dunkin Donuts to see Auntie Sara and get some hot chocolate.

Boys, there will be a lot of life lessons we teach you as you grow up and get older. One of them will be to never take candy from strangers, but tonight for some reason is the one exception to the rule. On Halloween it is acceptable to go from door to door asking for free candy, but any other day of the year it is not. So, on Halloween you need to get as much candy as you can!

Jonathan you had on multiple layers of clothes so you wouldn't be cold, but the problem was it probably added about twenty more pounds to you so when we carried you from door to door we needed to take a break after each time. We went out with Grandma and Uncle Scott joined us for a little while. He eventually had to go to the bathroom, and never came back! We brought the two of you out in your red wagon like we did last year when Cole had joined us. Jonathan you loved being brought around in the wagon, laughing as we made our way down the streets. The two of you took turns riding in the wagon and being held by Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma.

We got to see all the scary decorations people put up in their yards. We saw some people dressed up in scary outfits pretending to be decorations as well. Benjamin, none of this scared you though as you had your mind set on getting some candy. You would go from door to door holding Mommy or Daddy's hand and when we got to the door your would hold your Cars bucket out for candy. When we went across the street to Grandma's house, Pat was sitting on the porch holding her bowl of candy to give to the Trick or Treaters and you kept taking candy by candy out of the bowl and placing it into your bucket. By the time we came back around from hitting houses around the neighborhood Grandma's lights were off because they had ran out of candy. Daddy thinks it's because you took all of their candy Benjamin!

You both did very well tonight and it wasn't that cold out so we got lucky. It was snowing just a few days ago so we got lucky with our adventure tonight. When we came home Benjamin you went directly to your Toy Story couch and sat down to look through all of your candy. Jonathan soon joined you by the couch and tried to grab your candy away from you. Little Bully Brother still wants everything you have Benjamin and more! The two of you also spent some time with the Mickey Mouse Vampire we had in our window for Halloween. He will be going back into the basement soon until next year!

Next year Jonathan you will be walking as well so it's going to be a real challenge to keep up with the two of you, but it is something that Daddy is looking forward to. Daddy can't wait to experience all of these new things with the two of you all over again. Daddy went through all of this with Nana and Grandpa when he was growing up, and now he gets to see how great it is. Mommy and Daddy love you both very much and are very proud of the way you were tonight. October is over, but now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving, and Christmas! Santa Claus isn't that far behind! Happy Halloween boys!

Bring On The Dentist Bill,

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