Thursday, September 29, 2011

Choo Choo Birthday Party!

Dear Boys,

For weeks leading up to your birthday party we asked you Benjamin, what kind of party you were going to have to which you would reply "Choo Choo!" in an excited tone of voice. Well, the day finally came and we had your choo choo party! You were so excited all day that you barely ate any of your food. You each had your own Chuggington shirt with your name and age on it. Mommy had purchased these shirts online and they were very cool!

Mommy and Daddy left you both with Grandma while we went to set up the VFW for your party, we also had Mommy's baby shower for you here Benjamin! This was a big day for you Ben because the day of the party was actually your birthday and you turned the big 2! Well, fine maybe that doesn't work as well when there is only one digit in your age, but this was a huge thing for Mommy and Daddy because we remember when we tried to so hard to have you, and now you're here and telling "No" to the request you clean up your toys.

So the terrible two's are upon us. Daddy hopes that maybe these two's won't be as terrible because once you turn three Benjamin, Jonathan you will be turning two so it will be like the Terrible Two's are endless! But, when the two of you finally arrived to your party Benjamin you ran right to the cake. You wanted to take the trains off of the cake and cried "Choo Choo!" when we took you away from the cake.

Before the two of you arrived though Daddy was getting worried that the cake wouldn't. The person who made the cake brought it late and it got down to the wire, but the cake arrived and thankfully it looked good enough to pass for your Chuggington cake. Chuggington was a hard theme to plan around this year because it hasn't really hit big yet as it has overseas. Grandpa Kevin actually had to buy some of the supplies online so we could have some related items!

We had cupcakes with a Chuggington picture on each one, and ten had your name Jonathan, and the other ten had Benjamin's name on them. We also had Domino's pizza! Jonathan, you're not big enough to have pizza yet so you enjoyed some of your baby fruit and you had chocolate milk for the first time! We also set up a play area with a small ball pit that Mommy and Daddy got from Toys R Us. You both had a blast inside of this and maybe some day soon we will set it up in the living room for a little while... maybe. You both had a lot of presents too! Our home is starting to look like the inside of a toy store! Where are we going to find the time for you both to play with all of these things? Daddy is sure that somewhere in the basement there might still be some toys you got for Christmas! You're both very spoiled, but as long as we can provide you with these things, then we will.

Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" twice, once to each of you. Next year however we'll have to find a way to combine both of your names into the song and have you both near the cake when this is happening. When we sang to Jonathan, Benjamin you were in that ball pit! We cut the cake, and only ended up eating the top of it. We still had the entire bottom of the cake, and it lasted for days before being thrown away. We won't focus on the waste of money factor, just that you had your Chuggington cake and even though it was late, it worked. After the party we came back home and sorted through all of your new toys and clothes. Later on we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks the movie, and Jonathan you laughed like it was the funniest movie you have ever seen.

Now both of your birthdays are over and Jonathan you're no longer a little baby, and Benjamin you're already doing big boy things, just tonight Daddy was pretending to sleep on the couch and you came over and poked me and whispered "Dada", it melted my heart! We have another big day coming up, and right now you're both fast asleep in your room. Next year the two of you will be running all over the place, and Mommy has said that you Benjamin get to pick the theme. We'll see how that turns out, but right now if things don't change we might have another "Choo Choo" party. My little boys aren't babies anymore...

NOT Coming Down With Baby Fever,

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